A smiling woman with long, straight hair partially colored purple stands in front of a staircase, wearing a black sleeveless top and earrings. The background is blurred, highlighting her cheerful expression.

Mari Jones

Director of Collective Learning & Movement Building

Graduate digital portfolio

“I’m inspired by the opportunity to transform the way we teach and learn all across the country (and the world)!”

Mari Jones is the Project Director of the Deeper Learning Hub, a national practitioner hub whose mission is to spread deeper learning practices and ensure that more students across the country are achieving deeper learning outcomes. She is an Improvement Facilitator for the Center for Research on Equity and Innovation, where she has supported K-12 teachers across 16 High Tech High schools in literacy and social emotional learning through continuous improvement, and now supports the CARE Network, an initiative which seeks to support San Diego County schools in systematic caring to keep their 8th grade students on track to graduate high school college and career ready. She teaches the Foundations of Classroom Culture and Foundations of Student Centered Teaching for the San Diego Teacher Residency Program.

Mari has always felt that education is a form of activism, and she is passionate about promoting social change and equity by empowering youth. As an elementary educator for 14 years, she spent half of her career in National City, working primarily with English Learners and the other half working at High Tech Elementary Explorer, which nurtured her passion for social-emotional learning and crafting opportunities for meaningful learning experiences. She holds a B.A. in Communication, a Multiple-Subject Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development Credential, and an M.Ed. in Research, Equity, and Technology from UCSD as well as an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from HTH Graduate School of Education where her work largely focused on the intersection of project-based learning and social-emotional learning as important pathways that lead to the development of deeper learning competencies, and on professional development to support new teachers.


The image displays the phrase powered by in lowercase blue text, followed by unboxed, with un inside a blue rectangular box, symbolizing innovation in online education degree programs.
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