Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Requirements for a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC)
Admission Requirements
In order to be admitted into the program, candidates must provide evidence/proof of the following:
- Proof meeting the Basic Skills Requirement
- Negative TB test results or Tuberculosis Risk Assessment with Certificates of Completion (valid within the last four years).
- Possess a valid California Clear Teaching or Services Credential
Recommendation Requirements
In order to be recommended for a California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential candidates must pass all program coursework and provide evidence/proof of the following:
- Pass the Summative Assessment
- Submit a Verification of Employment as an Administrator (CL-777)*
- Possess a valid California Clear Teaching or Services Credential (with at least one year remaining on document).
- Verify five years of teaching or services experience**
- Pass all three CalAPA cycles
*A candidate who does not have an offer of employment in an administrative position may apply for a Certificate of Eligibility, which verifies completion of all requirements for the preliminary credential and authorizes the holder to seek employment as an administrator. The Certificate of Eligibility has no expiration date. Once securing an offer of employment, the holder of a Certificate of Eligibility may apply for the preliminary credential by submitting an application ( form 41-4), a Verification of Employment Form (CL-777), and current processing fee to the Commission office.
**The letter must be on official letterhead from the school or school district, and it must state that the experience was full-time or show that full time hours were completed. Additionally, it must show the beginning and ending dates of hire and be signed by the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, or HR personnel. The signature must either be ‘wet ink’ or an acceptable electronic signature. HR forms with original signatures may also be accepted in lieu of a letter as long as they meet all the requirements mentioned above.