A person with long, dark hair is smiling in front of a lush, green background. They are wearing a dark jacket and blue earrings, and the sunlight highlights their face and hair.

Sarah Strong

Director, HTH Residency Grant
“I love working with adult learners to explore how we provide greater inclusion and creativity in our math classrooms!”

Sarah Strong has taught math to grades 6 through 12 at High Tech High in San Diego. She also works for the High Tech High Graduate School of Education, teaching Math Methods and Advanced Math Pedagogy courses and coordinating the math cohort of the teacher resident program. She has led workshops on Project Based Learning (PBL) in mathematics and been a leader of the High Tech High ASCENT team focused on using improvement science to improve math in the PBL classroom. She helped design curriculum for a few years, working on a grant with Illustrative Mathematics and Mathalicious.

Her current passion is working with teacher residents to explore how we might build more just and equitable math classrooms.


The image displays the phrase powered by in lowercase blue text, followed by unboxed, with un inside a blue rectangular box, symbolizing innovation in online education degree programs.
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