cards Healthy Choices: Food For Thought The Food for Thought project focused on why and how to make healthy food choices.
cards Historic Rap Throwdown In pairs, students chose and then researched a controversial historical figure that had ...
cards Turning Points, Toy Theatre The goal of this project was to recreate and interpret critical historical turning ...
cards The End of the World Uncovered Students and teachers built this project from scratch. We started with students’ ...
cards Matter All Around First Grade Scientists explored the world of matter all around them! They wondered…
cards The Learning Landscape Students often complain about their learning environments, whether it’s comfort ...
cards Are You Fitter Than a 5th Grader? Over the course of 11 weeks, 5th grade students studied the human body, learned about ...
cards The Great 9th Grade Odyssey Students worked in groups of three or four to create boats made solely out of cardboard ...
cards Energy Puzzles Our senior engineering students created jigsaw puzzles to introduce energy concepts to ...
Article Mindsets and Student Agency We can’t force students to develop agency and drive their own learning. It must come from...