cards Know Thyself Students learned about mathematical patterns like the Golden ratio and how it can be discovered in nature, art, architecture, and even our own bodies
cards Bento Students used words and images to express themselves through their experiences, passions, past memories, adventures, beliefs, sayings, dreams and more!
cards Chemical Identity Masks In this interdisciplinary project, student created a two-sided identity mask.
Article Morning Meeting: Rooting the Day in Community and Social Justice Mara Gonzales ditched the “Would You Rather” questions in her Morning Meetings and now starts the day with discussions about recognizing privilege...
Article Culturally Responsive Continuous Improvement In the fall of 2019, I was entering my third year as an Induction Coach ...
cards Run Like A Girl: Don’t Judge Me Recently, I asked my 5-year-old son “what does it mean to act like a girl?” He told me ...
cards Who Am I? In this interdisciplinary project, students examined several different facets of their ...
videos Identity through Internship Hailey of High Tech High International gives a tour of her 11th grade internship...