cards You Say You Want a Revolution? In this action-packed eight-week project, students used primary and secondary resources ...
cards Superheroes Unite! The Superhero project explored what superhero qualities each student possessed and how ...
cards Staircases to Nowhere Seniors used physics, art, and carpentry to plan and build model and life-sized ...
cards Who Walks Here: The Journey of Our People and Our Land The Who Walks Here project came from the teachers’ passion for nature and wanting our ...
cards The Bee Project Why do we need honey bees and how do they affect our world? In order to answer these ...
cards 3D Printed Timeline Ninth grade students in the MPX Program at Mid-Pacific Institute created a timeline of ...
cards Wat_er We Doing? A California Drought Story In this project students worked together to make a documentary about the current ...
cards Portraits of Resilience “We learn a lot about the challenges and problems in the world, but what about how ...
cards Best Project of All Time Using time as a theme, in this project we explored the mathematical concepts of ...
cards The Wicked Soap Company Students learned about saponification, chemical reactions, pH, strong bases, lab ...