cards Quaranscene 9th grade Humanities students wrote playwriting scenes in response to their own experiences of quarantine.
cards The Force of Friction: What Moves Objects & People? In humanities students researched undocumented minors and the reasons they immigrate to ...
cards The Making of the Modern Teen The graduating seniors of HTHMA presented a compelling and provocative interactive art ...
cards Digital Storytelling Students created digital stories about a defining moment, a message, or a lesson learned ...
podcasts Ron Berger on Presentations of Learning Ron Berger talks to Alec about Presentations of Learning
videos HTHybrid — Online Exhibitions The flexibility and personalization of online exhibitions gives students a focused spotlight to share their learning
podcasts S01E21: How Carol Cabrera Stages Student Plays on Zoom In this episode, Brent Spirnak interviews 9th grade humanities teacher Carol Cabrera ...
videos The Breaks Exhibition Fernando Vega's 6th grade students from High Tech Middle North County explored the four . . .
videos Electioneering Project Teacher Mele Sato explains the exhibition rehearsal process for the electioneering ...
videos 9th Grade Student Presentation of Learning 9th grader, Malahi (ya-ya), presents a reflection on her first end of the year...